Datenschutz erweitert gem. Stand Februar 2019
"Personenbezogene Daten" sind alle Informationen, die sich auf eine identifizierte oder identifizierbare natürliche Person beziehen.
Kontakt Newsletter
Erhebung und Verarbeitung bei Nutzung des Kontaktformulars
Bei der Nutzung des Kontaktformulars erheben wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten (Name, E-Mail-Adresse, Nachrichtentext) nur in dem von Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten Umfang. Die Datenverarbeitung dient dem Zweck der Kontaktaufnahme. Mit Absenden Ihrer Nachricht willigen Sie in die Verarbeitung der übermittelten Daten ein. Die Verarbeitung erfolgt auf Grundlage des Art. 6 Abs 1 lit. a DSGVO mit Ihrer Einwilligung.
Sie können Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit durch Mitteilung an uns widerrufen, ohne dass die Rechtmäßigkeit der aufgrund der Einwilligung bis zum Widerruf erfolgten Verarbeitung berührt wird. Ihre E-Mail-Adresse nutzen wir nur zur Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage. Ihre Daten werden anschließend gelöscht, sofern Sie der weitergehenden Verarbeitung und Nutzung nicht zugestimmt haben.
Verwendung der E-Mail-Adresse für die Zusendung von Newslettern
Wir nutzen Ihre E-Mail-Adresse unabhängig von der Vertragsabwicklung ausschließlich für eigene Werbezwecke zum Newsletterversand, sofern Sie dem ausdrücklich zugestimmt haben. Die Verarbeitung erfolgt auf Grundlage des Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO mit Ihrer Einwilligung. Sie können die Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen, ohne dass die Rechtmäßigkeit der aufgrund der Einwilligung bis zum Widerruf erfolgten Verarbeitung berührt wird. Sie können dazu den Newsletter jederzeit unter Nutzung des entsprechenden Links im Newsletter oder durch Mitteilung an uns abbestellen. Ihre E-Mail-Adresse wird danach aus dem Verteiler entfernt.
Ihre Daten werden dabei an einen Dienstleister für E-Mail-Marketing im Rahmen einer Auftragsverarbeitung weitergegeben. Eine Weitergabe an sonstige Dritte erfolgt nicht.
Betroffenenrechte und Speicherdauer
Dauer der Speicherung
Nach vollständiger Vertragsabwicklung werden die Daten zunächst für die Dauer der Gewährleistungsfrist, danach unter Berücksichtigung gesetzlicher, insbesondere steuer- und handelsrechtlicher Aufbewahrungsfristen gespeichert und dann nach Fristablauf gelöscht, sofern Sie der weitergehenden Verarbeitung und Nutzung nicht zugestimmt haben.
Rechte der betroffenen Person
Ihnen stehen bei Vorliegen der gesetzlichen Voraussetzungen folgende Rechte nach Artt. 15 bis 20 DSGVO zu: Recht auf Auskunft, auf Berichtigung, auf Löschung, auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung, auf Datenübertragbarkeit.
Außerdem steht Ihnen nach Art. 21 Abs. 1 DSGVO ein Widerspruchsrecht gegen die Verarbeitungen zu, die auf Art. 6 Abs. 1 f DSGVO beruhen, sowie gegen die Verarbeitung zum Zwecke von Direktwerbung.
Kontaktieren Sie uns auf Wunsch. Die Kontaktdaten finden Sie in unserem Impressum.
Beschwerderecht bei der Aufsichtsbehörde
Sie haben gemäß Art. 77 DSGVO das Recht, sich bei der Aufsichtsbehörde zu beschweren, wenn Sie der Ansicht sind, dass die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten nicht rechtmäßig erfolgt.
Beruhen die hier aufgeführten personenbezogenen Datenverarbeitungen auf Grundlage unseres berechtigten Interesses nach Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO, haben Sie das Recht aus Gründen, die sich aus Ihrer besonderen Situation ergeben, jederzeit diesen Verarbeitungen mit Wirkung für die Zukunft zu widersprechen.
Nach erfolgtem Widerspruch wird die Verarbeitung der betroffenen Daten beendet, es sei denn, wir können zwingende schutzwürdige Gründe für die Verarbeitung nachweisen, die Ihren Interessen, Rechten und Freiheiten überwiegen, oder wenn die Verarbeitung der Geltendmachung, Ausübung oder Verteidigung von Rechtsansprüchen dient.
Erfolgt die personenbezogene Datenverarbeitung zu Zwecken der Direktwerbung, können Sie dieser Verarbeitung jederzeit durch Mitteilung an uns widersprechen. Nach erfolgtem Widerspruch beenden wir die Verarbeitung der betroffenen Daten zum Zwecke der Direktwerbung.
letzte Aktualisierung: 22.02.2019
EU cookies policy
Cookie usage on this site
Cookie usage on this site will be described in this cookie policy. Before doing so, we would like to note that the use of so-called session cookies (which are not stored permanently on the user's computer and disappear when the browser is closed) allows the transmission of session identifiers (made up of random numbers generated by the server), which are required for the safe and efficient exploration of the site.
The so-called session cookies used on this site do not utilise other IT techniques that could potentially compromise the browsing privacy of users and do not permit the acquisition of the user's personal identifying data.
What is a cookie?
In order to provide you with all the relevant information concerning cookies and their use, even if only potential, and to make you aware of how to change your browser settings for cookie usage, we ask that you read this detailed description.
Browser cookies:
Cookies are packets of information that the website places on your browsing device when you visit a page. They may involve the transmission of information between the website and your device, or between your device and other websites that work on our behalf or privately, in accordance with the corresponding privacy policy. We may use cookies to group the information that we collect about you. You can decide whether to receive a notification every time that a cookie is sent or to disenable all cookies by changing the settings on your browser. However, disenabling cookies may mean that some of our services will not function correctly and you will not be able to have access to numerous functions that have been designed in order to optimise your browsing experience on the website. For more information on how to manage or disable browser cookies, please consult the last section of this Cookie Policy.
We use various kinds of cookies that have different functions. In regards to technical cookies, we may use proprietary persistent cookies and session cookies for the sole purpose of aiding efficient site navigation. Periodically we may publish an updated table indicating the type of cookies used and useful references to make you aware of the specific purposes of use.
Here is a summarised description of the main types of technologically feasible cookies.
1. Strictly necessary cookies (technical cookies)
These cookies are fundamental in order to be able to browse the website and utilise some of its functions. Without cookies that are strictly necessary, online services that are normally offered by the site could become inaccessible if their provision is based exclusively on these kinds of cookies. In fact, this kind of cookies allows the user to browse efficiently between pages on the website and to use the different options and services offered. For example, cookies allow for a session to be identified, reserved areas to be accessed, for elements making up a previously formulated request to be saved, for a purchase order to be completed or a quote to be memorised.
Consent is not required for technical cookies, as they are essential to assuring the requested services. It is possible to block or remove technical cookies by changing the settings in your browser, if the cookies are disabled or deleted. However, by carrying out these steps you may not be able to access certain areas of the website or to utilise some of the offered services.
For more information we would like to refer you again to the privacy policy found on the site.
2. Performance cookies (analytics cookies)
We (or service providers that operate on our behalf) may place performance cookies on your browsing device. The information gathered via performance cookies is used exclusively by us or on our behalf.
Performance cookies collect anonymous information about the way in which users utilise the website and its various functions. For example, our performance cookies collect information concerning the web pages that you visit most often and about our advertisements that appear on other websites that you interact with, as well as verifying whether you open or read communications we send you and if you receive error messages. The information collected may be used to personalise your online experience by showing you specific content. Performance cookies are also used to limit the number of times you see the same advertisement. Our performance cookies do not collect personal information.
A link to our Cookie Policy is available on the website. By continuing to use this website and its functions, you are authorising us (and advertisers external to this website) to place performance cookies on your browsing device.
To delete or manage performance cookies, please consult the last section of this Cookie Policy.
In particular, the website uses Google Analytics, which is an analysis tool from Google that helps website and app owners to understand how visitors interact with their content. Google may use a set of cookies to collect information and generate usage statistics for the website without personally identifying the single visitors.
In addition to generating reports on the usage statistics of the websites, the tag pixel of Google Analytics may be used, together with other cookies used for advertising that have been described above, to allow us to show the most relevant results on Google owned sites (like Google Search) and throughout the web.
For more information you can visit this website Analytics cookies and privacy.
3. Functional cookies (profiling cookies)
We reserve the right to use the functional cookies that are placed in your browsing device for ourselves (or service providers that work on our behalf). If we were to use these cookies, in no instance would we share the information gathered via the functional cookies for any advertisers or third parties.
These cookies are used to store choices you have made (language preference, country or other online settings) and to provide personalised or optimised functions selected by the user. Functional cookies may be used to provide you with online services or to avoid offering you services that you have refused in the past.
Moreover, we would like to inform you that it is technically possible to authorise advertisers or third parties to supply content and other online experiences via this website. In this instance, the third party in question could place its own functional cookies on your device and make use of them, in the same way as us, in order to provide you with personalised functions and to optimise your user experience. By selecting personalised options or settings or optimised functions you are authorising us to use the functional cookies needed to offer you these experiences.
Deleting functional cookies, preferences or selected settings means these will not be saved for future visits.
In the instance that third party cookies were to be used, we reserve the right to explain the links to the privacy policies prepared by said third parties in detail.
The site may use remarketing tools from third parties. In this instance some of the pages on the site may include a code defined as a "remarketing code". This code allows browser cookies to be read and configured so that the kind of advertisement you will see can be determined, based on the data concerning your visit to the site, such as the navigation route chosen, the pages you actually visited or the actions carried out on said pages.
The remarketing lists that are created are kept in a database on Google servers where all the IDs of the cookies associated to every list or category of interest is kept. The information obtained only allows for the browser to be identified, due to the fact that third parties are not able to identify the user with this information.
These tools allow for personalised advertisements to be published based on user visits to our site.
Authorisation for the collection and storage of data may be withdrawn at any time. Users may disable cookie usage from Google via the specific setting options on the different browsers.
Enabling/disabling cookies via your browser
There are various ways to manage cookies and other tracking technologies. By changing your browser settings you can accept or refuse cookies or decide to receive a notification message before accepting a cookie from the websites you visit. We would like to remind you that by completely disabling cookies in your browser you may no longer be able to use all of our interactive functions.
If you use several computers with different settings, ensure that every browser is set up in such a way as to meet your preferences.
You can delete all the cookies installed in the cookie folder on your browser. Every browser has different procedures for managing settings. Click on one of the links below to get specific instructions.
Disabling Cookies
You will find information on disabling cookies on your browser in this section. We would like to remind you that some parts of the website may not function correctly if you disable cookies.
If you do not find your browser listed below, please consult the instructions given on your browser concerning cookie management.
Internet Explorer version 6 or higher
• Select "Tools" in your browser bar
• Select "Internet Options"
• Select the "Privacy" tab and then click on "Advanced"
• Select "Override automatic cookie handling"
• Disable "first-party cookies" by selecting the "Block" tab
• Disable "third-party cookies" by selecting the "Block" tab
• Disable "session cookies" by deselecting "Always allow session cookies"
• Click "OK"
Firefox version 9 or higher
• Select "Tools" in your browser bar
• Select "Options"
• Select "Privacy"
• Choose the drop-down menu in the "Chronology" section and select "use personalised settings"
• Disable cookies by deselecting "Accept cookies from websites"
• Click "OK"
Google Chrome version 24 or higher
• Select "Chrome Menu" in your browser bar
• Select "settings"
• Select "Show advanced settings"
• Click on "Content settings" in the "Privacy" section
• Disable all cookies by selecting "Block sites from setting any data" and "Block third party cookies and site data"
• Click "OK" if you do not use any of the browsers listed above, select "cookie" in the corresponding section in the guide to discover where to find your cookie folder.
Deleting Flash cookies
Click on the link that follows to change your settings concerning Flash cookies.
Disabling Flash cookies
Enabling and disabling cookies
In addition to being able to use the tools provided by the browser to enable or disable individual cookies, we would like to note that the site offers a list of the main providers that work with website manager to collect and utilise useful information for behavioural advertising. You can disable or enable all the companies or, alternately, adjust your preferences individually for each company. In order to do so you can use the tool that you will find on the page to check your preferences on behavioural advertising.
Further information relevant to cookies is available on the following sites: